Enable your Union Membership to enter the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

Let us provide your membership the digital platform for your success!

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Revolutionary Platform for mobilization

Membership Management, Reporting and Advanced Analytics

At a minimum, there are some core capabilities that every union need
Membership Management
Convenient reports generation
Rules based privileges
Revenue management and reporting
Union Core provides all of these and more. It leverages the latest in technology to free you to focus on the mission of the union and not be trapped by the limitations of a technology platform.

Advanced Communication and Customized Messaging

  • The platform includes a advanced features for notification, alerts, advanced media capabilities to attract new members and improve the capabilities of the organization to communicate its mission.

  • Every union has the vision to grow their base. This is achieved by spreading the message and a call to action. Advanced media such as live and stored video, surveys and direct or mass communication enable this, and Union Core recognizes these capabilities. Look to Union Core to provide you this power to mobilize your union.

We are a local team of Kwazulu Natal based entrepreneurial technologists committed to help Union Membership embrace the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)